Learning and why it’s essential never to stop.

March 07, 2023 3 min read

Learning and why it’s essential never to stop.

If there is one thing we’ve learnt as a business over the last three years, it’s that intellectual humility is a superpower and that learning is a lifelong process! If you want to see precisely how we leveraged the power of not knowing and leaning into learning new skills, you can read one of our stories here.

Learning is an adventure that, if we allow it, will take us places we’ve never been before, expand our horizons, and enrich our lives. An openness to learning new things keeps us curious about the world. It enables us to develop new skills, acquire new knowledge, and improve our performance - but most importantly, it encourages our ability to adapt and manage change with greater confidence.

We’ve learned the following about learning and why it is essential never to stop:

Lesson 1: Learning strengthens resilience

We are better equipped to face challenges and overcome obstacles when we learn new skills and knowledge.

We become more adaptable and flexible in our thinking, which enables us to find creative solutions to problems. Additionally, learning helps us to develop a growth mindset, which allows us to view setbacks as opportunities for learning and growth rather than failures.

By continually learning, we can build our resilience and develop the confidence and skills needed to thrive in a rapidly changing world - there is no failure, only feedback and lessons.

Lesson 2: Learning can and should happen in both traditional and non-traditional ways

It’s important to realise that learning does not happen only in the classroom or during formal education.

We learn from:

  • our experiences
  • interactions with others
  • ‘on the job’,
  • exposure to new ideas and perspectives and more!

Mindfully drawing insights and lessons from these many interactions should be prioritised.

Try this exercise:

Take 5 minutes to write down at the end of each week:

  1. What worked well this week?

  2. What didn’t work so well?

  3. What are the insights from this?

  4. Where else can these insights be applied?

Why adopt this practice? Often, when we have ah-ha moments or periods of greater understanding about specific circumstances, a process, or an interaction, they flicker up and then… disappear from our memory.

Intentionally setting aside 5-10 mins each week to consciously consider and reflect upon the happenings of the past few days ensures that these moments, and any deep insights gleaned, are captured and leveraged - You will apply your learnings to navigate those spaces better in the future.

Success in the past doesn’t necessarily equate to victories in the future, but paying mindful attention to what IS working, not working, and WHY equips you to evolve and better manage the week ahead.

Learning and why it’s essential never to stop.

Lesson 3: Learning fortifies an ability to draw parallels and spot opportunity

Learning strengthens our ability to draw parallels across diverse stimuli and spot opportunities because it enables us to make connections between seemingly unrelated ideas and concepts.

Learning about different topics exposes us to new ideas, perspectives, and ways of thinking. By combining this knowledge, we can better identify patterns and spot opportunities that may not have been otherwise apparent.

Learning also has a significant impact on our cognitive abilities.

When we learn, we stimulate our brains, improving memory, focus, and concentration, heightening our ability to draw analogies between existing and new information.

Learning is essential for:

  • enhancing our ability to draw parallels
  • remaining open to being wrong, and
  • positioning ourselves for an opportunity in a rapidly changing world.

Lesson 4: Learning is never finished; always be learning!

So, let us commit to continue learning and growing every day.

May we never stop exploring, discovering, and expanding our minds. Let us embrace lifelong learning and inspire others to do the same!

Learning stimulates our brains, improving memory, focus, and concentration, heightening our ability to draw analogies between existing and new information.

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